online programs
Literacy Tutoring includes complimentary reading assessment, 1:1 tutoring, and group tutoring.
Curriculum Development
Providing support to those early Childrcare, Daycare teachers, curriculum coordinators in improving on lesson plans, and various educational approaches.
Instructional Coaching- Literacy
Serves as mentor, role model, helping teachers to improve upon lesson plans, units, classroom routines, classroom management, center-based environments.
Educational Consulting
This is designed towards Early Childcare Providers, Early Literacy Programs, Daycare Centers with a focus on training and advising members of the education community on new technologies, classroom policies and student achievements. Our aim is to close the learning loss.
Book Fairs
ELDA’s Books will set-up for a book fair at your location.
Literacy Summer Boot Camp
Summer Schedule will be posted in May, 2025
Community Read-Alouds
Email: to schedule your community read aloud.
Book Signings
Are on hold until further notice.